Playdough activities

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Playdough recipes - edible and non-edible
an alphabetical list of playdough activities and ideas
playdough colour themed activity ideas for children's play and adults well-being
Playdough activity ideas for children and adults Mer Island,home to merfolk and a sea of playdough waves! Build a pebble island with stones and dough to hold then together and an ocean of sparkling fabric surf! Enjoy role playing with illustrated mermaid and mermen characters or use the outlines to create a personalised community of fish tailed friends! Complimentary pictures include silkysteps' mermaid nursery rhyme - singing, swimming merfolk that promotes a crystal clear sea :)

Mr Island - playdough and loose media activity for preschool, nursery and play at home

Litter awareness, beach clean and the wet wipes campaign that help to protect our oceans.

Resources needed for this playdough activity
Links are to

A quantity of playdough - handmade dough recipe

Build islands - loose media construction
stones & pebbles - bricks - glass nuggets  
Netting for sea surf - cut into strips
Nuggets and beach-found shells                        
scissors and extruder tools for seaweed & hair
Puppets, figures or role play characters 
Small merfolk outlines
Single merfolk outline template
Naming oceans - the 5 oceans of the world  
Mermaid characters  
Mermen characters  
Sailing boat prop - outline yacht and colour yacht

Merpeople outline templates
mermaid merman merperson outline template
Ocean name cards
Mermen merboys coloured role play printables
Mermaid role play character printables

Small sailing boat outline template
Colour sailing boat for role play activity

Mermaid and mermen playdough activity  

mermaid play figures
Ball sculpting tools
Rocks and pebbles on
different play boats

wipe clean, pvc, waterproof, ocean themed tablecloths  
Ocean boats PVC wipe clean tablecloth
Island sea PVC plastic tablecloth
Blue heavy duty wipe clean table cover
resources needed for a merfolk themed playdough activity

Activity ideas and questions

What name has been given to the ocean that your Mer Island is located in?
Exploring what the island looks like - how big is it, beaches and coves?  
How many merfolk live on Mer Island and who might visit? 

More mer themed activities

Mermaid writing
As inspired by a lovely account on twitter, frame some reversible sequined fabric to create a tactile mark making surface for young children, as a learning area in preschool or as part of a bedroom's decoration.

Purchase frames on
Reversible sequin fabric to enable young children's creative mark making

Mermaid rhyme - singing swimming merfolk
Tail dabbing paint activity

 Information about mermaids and folklore on wikipedia       
The oceans of the world - planet Earth


  Playdough Recipes
 Edible playdough recipes
 Not for eating  playdough recipes
 An alphabet of playdough

Aa - Bb - Cc - Dd - Ee - Ff - Gg - Hh - Ii - Jj - Kk

 Ll - Mm - Nn - Oo - Pp - Qq - Rr - Ss - Tt - Uu
 Vv - Ww - Xx - Yy - Zz   

 Seasonal playdough activities  
 Playdough books  
 Colour themed playdough activities
 Mixed - metallic rainbow and duos
 Red playdough
Pink playdough
 Orange playdough
 Yellow playdough
 Green playdough
 Blue playdough
 Purple playdough
 Brown playdough
 Black playdough
 Grey playdough
 White playdough


 About this website  
 Buy playdough products
 In the playdough tool box 
 Playdough activities by age 

 Benefits of playdough  

Sensory playdough activities

Playdough textures

Copyright notice - designed, written and illustrated by Ruth Grimes